If your school or district has chosen to integrate with their Student Information System, there will be the option to look up your student before applying or registering through SchoolMint Enroll to pull in existing information that is on file in the Student Information System.
The student lookup will be located within the first step of the form and will prompt you through a series of questions regarding your student's enrollment status. The first question that is asked is "Is your student currently enrolled in [organization] and do you have your student ID?"
If your student is currently enrolled in the school/district AND has their ID number you will be prompted to enter your student's first name, last name, ID number, and date of birth. Be mindful that this information needs to be formatted exactly as the district or school has on file. If your student is a match for a student in the school or district's system, you will be allowed to move forward.
If you are unsure of your student's ID number or having issues looking up your student, please contact your student's school for assistance.