If you are unsure about the meaning of the application status, you can find a detailed explanation of each status below:
- Submitted: "When applying to certain schools through SchoolMint, this will be the initial status visible to parents. This doesn't imply your child has been accepted.
- Waitlisted: Parents can see this status after the lottery has been run. It means your child is waitlisted and the school needs to decide if they will accept your child's application.
- Canceled: Parents or Schools have canceled the application. Please reach out to the school for more information.
- Offered: This means parents have received an offer from the school to enroll the student.
- Accepted: This is the status given when parents have accepted the offer from the school.
- Declined: Parents declined the offer from the school.
- Rescinded: Parents will see this status if the school revokes the offer. Please reach out to the school for more information.
- Registration in Progress: Parents accepted the offer from the school and started the registration process, but the registration is not complete yet.
- Registration Completed / Verified: Parents have filled out and submitted all the required information to complete the registration process. They do not have any further tasks to complete from SchoolMint's side.
Please note: If you require additional information about the status of your child's application or the necessary documentation for the enrollment process, kindly reach out to your school directly for further details.